1.Floor plan 厂区平面图
2.Business registration 营业执照
3.Employees roster 员工花名册
4 .Payroll records最近 12 个月工资记录(附银行转帐凭证)
5.Attendance records对应以上 12 月工时记录
6 .Special working hours waiver特殊工时批文(综合计时或延长加班批文)
7. Social insurance Receipts and Waiver社会保险收据及合格证明文件(12 个月)
8 .Paid Leave Record带薪假记录
9.Factorypolicies and regulations厂规或员工手册
10 .Employment registration records员工入职登记表(附身份证复印件)
11. Labor contracts 劳动合同
12 .Leave records/Resignation records员工请假/辞职记录(12 个月)
13 .Juvenile worker Registration and Health Check未成年工 的登记及体检(如适用)
14 .Worker representative /Trade Union / Worker organization 员工组织/代表/工会(如适用)
15 .Safety organization/procedure/preparedness安全组织/制度/预案 /安全主任证书
16 .Safety training records (Fire safety, Job safety,PPE, Chemical)
安全培训记录 (消防安全/岗位安全/个人防护用品/化学品使用等)
17.Injuryrecords 最近 12 个月工伤记录
18.First aider certificates 急救员证书
19.Lease agreement 厂房租恁合同 (如适用)
20 .Fire prevention certification / filling厂房/宿舍等 建筑物消防验收合格证/备案
21 .Report/Certificate of inspection for completed building construction projects
22.Fire drill records 消防演习(最近 2 次) 记录: 照片
23.Safety documents for Special equipments 特种设备(登记/检验报告)
24.Workers’ permits for special & dangerous operations 特种作业工操作证
25.Occupational factors and health examination report 职业危害因素检测及职业病体检报告
26.Chemical list/MSDS化学品清单/物质安全资料表
27 .Environmental appraisal documents/final acceptance report环境影响评估报告/批复/环保竣工验收报告
28.Environmental monitoring report 环保监测报告
29 .Pollutants discharge registration and permit污染物排放申报登记及排污许可证
30.Hazardous waste collect documents危险废弃物回收商资质证明/转运合同/转移联单
31.Hygiene certificate of Kitchen餐饮服务许可证/厨工健康证 餐饮服务许可证 厨工健康证
32.Dispatched employees documents劳务派遣文件 (如适用)
33.Part-time labor/trainee documents非全日制用工/实习生文件 (如适用)
34.Subcontractor 外发商/分包商 (如适用) 清单 客户授权书
35.Machines list 主要生产机器设备清单
36.Social compliance policies and procedure 社会责任管理体系政策程序 Yes No
37.Production records 生产记录
38.Other documents 其他文件