
来源:  发布时间:2018/12/25 9:13:45

C-TPAT反恐验厂是美国国土安全部海关边境保护局(即US Customs and Border Protection,简称“CBP”)在911事件发生后所倡议成立的与商界一起自发建立的自愿性计画, 2001年11月推出,并于2002年4月16日正式实行,在2006年末已经有9900多家公司申请参与,其中5500家已经认证。

C-TPAT全名为 “Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism”,即「海关-商贸反恐贸易伙伴」。通过C-TPAT的安全建议,CBP希望能与相关业界合作建立供应链安全管理系统,以确保供应链从起点到终点的运输安全、安全讯息及货况的流通


1. Direct external communications system to contact local authorities/management.



2. Policy/procedure for the security personnel to report incidents. 保安人员紧急事件汇报程序


3. CCTV cameras records kept for at least 2 months. 至少两个月的监控记录


4. Vehicles In-Out access control records and visitors logging records. 访客及车辆进出登记记录


5. Procedures for security personnel to identify, challenge and address unauthorized persons.



6. Incoming mail and parcels logged, screened and checked before dissemination. 邮件包裹的登记与检查记录


7. Keys (access control device) usage records. 钥匙领用登记记录


8. Personnel responsible for security and implementation of security policies. 负责安全及执行安全政策人员的通知或任命


9. Procedures in place to notify the Importer and/or law enforcement agencies and properly escalate the issue

if significant illegal or suspicious activities are detected.



10. Procedures to verify shipping marks, numbers, weights and quantities of shipment against presented documents.



11. Procedures and records to verify outgoing goods/cartons against purchase orders, shipping documents.



12. Procedures for detecting and reporting shortages/overages on incoming & outgoing goods/cartons.



13. IT security policies. 电脑信息安全使用政策


14. Procedures to train staff on proper IT security practices and all system violators are subject to appropriate disciplinary actions.

培训员工正确使用电脑信息系统的程序与记录, 所有违规使用电脑系统的人员受到相应惩戒


15. Procedure to identify and report abuse of IT systems. 识别与汇报滥用电脑信息系统的程序


16. Background checks and references verification prior to employment and check driving record (existing company drivers).



17. Periodic checks and reinvestigations based on sensitivity of the existing employee's position.



18. Records of collecting IDs and access control items, change passwords upon staff turnover. 离职人员厂证, 钥匙及工具交接记录


19. Processes established for reporting and managing problems related to personnel security. 汇报及处置人员安全相关问题的程序


20. Policies/procedures to provide special training to employees in cargo handling departments. 货仓人员安全意识培训程序及培训记录


21. Policies/procedures to train employees to challenge and report any unauthorized personnel.



22. Facility to provide training to employees in detecting fraudulent documentation and computer security.



23. Employees offered incentives for recognizing and reporting suspicious situations and/or recommending improvements

where security is compromised. 员工举报内部阴谋与可疑情况,或者对危害安全提出改进建议的奖励政策


24. Procedures to track outgoing goods vehicles to their final destination. 追踪离厂货运车辆的程序及记录


25. 7 point container inspection carried out prior to loading. 装柜前的7点检查记录


26. Are ISO/PAS 17712 compliant Security Seals used to secure all outbound containers and trailers.

所有离境的货柜或运输车辆需使用通过ISO/PAS 17712认证的安全封条


27. Records of the security seals used. 安全封条使用记录


28. Procedures/records to verify, control and track seals used. 装柜封箱(封条)追踪验证程序


29. Written processes for the selection of business partners and service providers including product suppliers and local

transportation companies. 甄选商业合作伙伴,服务提供商包括产品供应商与当地运输公司的书面程序


30. Minimum security requirements and guidelines identified for the business partners to comply.




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