
来源:  发布时间:2016/8/13 15:06:37

拉尔夫·劳伦(RALPH LAUREN)时装界"美国经典"品牌。拉尔夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)是有着浓浓美国气息的高品味时装品牌,款式高度风格 化是拉夫·劳伦旗下的两个著名品牌"Lauren Ralph Lauren"(拉夫·劳伦女装)和"Polo Ralph Lauren"(拉尔夫·劳伦马球男装)的共同特点。除时装外,拉夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)品牌还包括香水、童装。家居等产品。Ralph Lauren勾勒出的是一个美国梦:漫漫草坪、晶莹古董、名马宝驹。Ralph Lauren(拉尔夫·劳伦)的产品:无论是服装还是家具,无论是香水还是器皿,都迎合了顾客对上层社会完美生活的向往。或者正如Ralph Lauren(拉夫·劳伦 )先生本人所说:"我设计的目的就是去实现人们心目中的美梦--可以想象到的最好现实。

6.3    "工厂是否有安装室外消防栓?

    Whether outdoor fire hydrants are installed ?"

6.4    "工厂是否安装喷淋系统?

    Whether sprinkler systems are installed ?"

6.5    "对于没有安装自动喷淋系统的建筑,楼层中任一点到出口的距离是否少于61米(200英尺)?

  Inbuilding without automatic sprinkler systems, whether the travel distance to anexit on any exit on any floor is shorter than 61 meters(200 feet)?"

7.     Audible, visible and operablesmoke alarms placed appropriately throughout the building with at least theminimum number required by law


7.1   "工厂是否安装烟雾报警器?

  Whether smoke alarms are installed?"

7.2    "烟雾报警器装在哪些位置?

 Where are the smoke alarms?"

7.3    "烟雾报警器的安装数量是多少?平均多少平米安装1个烟雾报警器?

  Howmany smoke alarms are installed? How many square meters one smoke alarm coversaveragely?"

8.     Audible and operable firealarms that can be heard in all parts of the building, that operate as onesystem amongst all floors and areas of the building.


8.1    "工厂是否采用火灾报警器?

    Whether fire alarms are adopted?"

8.2    "火灾报警器是否作为一个系统进行操作,或使得建筑物的所有楼层所有区域范围内都能听到警报?

    Whether fire alarms operate as one system amongst all floors and areasof the building, or can be heard in all parts of the building."

8.3    "工厂是否有定期点检火灾报警器的运行状况?多久点检一次?

   Whether regular inspection is conducted to check the function of firealarms? What's frequency?"

9.     Marked and lighted exitroutes for all floors and areas of the building, including stairwells.Emergency lights to be fire grade ‘industrial emergency lights’ for use in smoke and fire environments.


9.1    "工厂的所有楼层及建筑物任何位置是否都安装了明确的消防标志和闪亮的出口路线?

 Whether exit routes are marked and lighted including all floors andareas of the building?"



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